Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July Wrap Up

A four day weekend for the 4th...

Thursday night Jess and I grilled pork tenderloin and had corn on the cob and sweet potato fries... with Goldfish S'mores for dessert! (Little tiny chocolates and marshmallows in the goldfish... you've got to try them).  Friday I spent the day at the lake with my mama... some much needed mom-daughter time as my departure date gets closer & closer.  Those Colorado skies turned suddenly stormy, the wind began ruining our fantastic anchor work, and we were floating out into the big waves of the main lake.. when suddenly blue sky appeared again and we spent a perfect afternoon working on our tans.  Friday night... Twilight with Mitch (no joke).  At least the series is starting to poke fun at itself a little..
Saturday we braved the potential hazard of being run over by a drunk, flag-shorted, koozie-handed 4th of July boater and headed to the lake again (Seriously, all of the animals come out on the 4th).